Detroit Irish Dancers Made Teen with CP the Star of the Show – The Good News
I might be a little biased with this story, but so be it. Irish dance is awesome.
This story caught my eye because I teach Irish dance at Academy De La Danse in Davison. Our downstairs studio is used for dance classes for adults and kids with special needs - Holly Halabicky, the owner, makes it a point to offer classes for people of ALL abilities.
And if you're wondering how you would incorporate a person in a wheelchair in an Irish dance, may we present to you the Motor City Irish Dancers.
They're a performance troupe from the Detroit area that specializes in Irish step dance. Yes, like Riverdance.
He's the company's biggest fan, according to the teachers, and they decided to incorporate him into a dance recently. It's called Kaden's Ceili (pronounced kay-lee, meaning "group dance" in Gaelic) and it's melting hearts everywhere.
The Motor City Irish Dancers are working on starting a program for people with special needs.