California Soldiers Ordered To Pay Back Cash Bonuses After Going To War [VIDEO]
Is it April Fool's Day? Is this a joke???
Almost 10,000 members of the California National Guard, most of whom served multiple tours of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan, are being ordered to pay back bonuses that they received to go to war 10 years ago.
The bonuses, which were usually $15,000 or more, were given to soldiers in an effort to meet enlistment quotas set by the Pentagon. The California National Guard was audited and found to have overpaid bonuses, some of which were paid upfront.
The audit found that the guard had paid bonuses and student loan payments to people who didn't meet the requirements for it. Instead of forgiving the bonuses, the California Guard sent over 40 auditors to comb through documents and demand repayment.
You can read some of the stories HERE of soldiers who have complied, and how they've had to refinance their homes to do so. Others have refused and field appeals.
I just can't believe this on so many levels. First of all, they're making humans into numbers. And it's not like this is a poll - these are people whose lives are in danger as they head into WAR. Second of all, it is NOT their fault that the bonuses were wrongly distributed. None of these people are millionaires with mansions and bodyguards - these are normal, American families who put their time in and deserve every penny that they've received. The Pentagon should NOT be holding them responsible for repayment.
It's shameful. We treat our vets terribly in this country. Send them off to war and then discard them when they get home. Shameful. Rant = over.