Zac Efron and Seth Rogen Take Amazing Selfies on Jimmy Fallon’s ‘Ew!’
Here's something you've probably never considered: what would it be like if 'Tonight Show' host Jimmy Fallon and 'Neighbors' co-stars Seth Rogen and Zac Efron were actually all teenage girls who had their very own Teen Nick show called 'Ew!' which was all about them screaming "Ew!" at various things and people? It's a little weird, right?
Well, brace yourself, because it's about to get a whole lot weirder. On last night's 'Tonight Show,' Fallon and the boys went ahead and aired a special episode of 'Ew!' for a screaming studio audience. All the normal teen girl topics were covered -- Starbucks, Lil Jon, texting, selfies, parents and ... Gary Oldman?
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