Workday 108 Trivia for the Week of January 9, 2023
Every year, Americans spend more than $300 million on one specific type of footwear. What is It?
Slippers. Congratulations to today's winner, Courteney Mitchell from Flint.
According to research, if you drive a white car this happens more to you than if you drive a car of any other color. What?
You're more susceptible to bird droppings. Congratulations to today's winner, Amy Price from Flint.
Researchers say that more than half of us do this when we go to the grocery store. What is it?
We go down every aisle. Congratulations to today's winner, Paula Cunningham from Swartz Creek.
They say 40% of our consumption of this food happens between November and January. What food is it?
Nuts. Congratulations to today's winner, Trevor Rodgers from Burton.
According to a survey, 27% of us say this is the number one thing you can do to help yourself get over a breakup. What is it?
Go shopping. Congratulations to today's winner, Sue Oleyar from Flushing.