Workday 108 Trivia for the Week of February 3, 2020
According to a survey of parents, 47% say this is their favorite thing to do with the kids. What is it?
Cards & board games. Congratulations to today's winner, Nancy Abeare from Lapeer.
If you're average, you give yourself a 7 out of 10 when it comes to this. What is it?
Kindness. Congratulations to today's winner, Karen Kitchen from Burton.
If you're average, you spend two hours and 45 minutes each week doing this. What?
Complaining about work. Congrats to today's winner, Shelby Price from Davison.
According to a survey of women, 27% say this is the best romantic movie to watch on Valentine's Day. What is it?
'The Notebook.' Congratulations to today's winner, Christina Pichey from Flint.
We like to think we do it more frequently, but the average person only really does this three times per day. What?
Wash our hands. Congrats to today's winner, Brad from Linden.
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