Who Wants to Race AJ’s Boat at the Cardboard Boat Races?
The Cardboard Boat Races have been rescheduled for this Saturday, July 29th.
They were originally scheduled for last Saturday, and AJ toiled away at her cardboard boat: the S.S. That's What She Said. Unfortunately, with the reschedule, we're not going to be able to make it...but she doesn't want to see her boat go to waste.
So...we're taking volunteers to race it.
You'll receive a free race entry - all you have to do is pick it up and show up to the Lake Inn in Lapeer on Saturday.
The boat is 8 feet long, end to end. It's basically a small canoe.
In case you're wondering what the shenanigans really look like, here's a video from last year.
Are you up to the challenge? Send AJ an email at AJ@wcrz.com or a Facebook message by clicking HERE. Or, you can always call the Cars 108 studio at 810-239-1079.
Bonus points if you're a fan of The Office. ;) And you KNOW it's made well - she wouldn't have made it to sink if she was racing it.
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