Wendy’s Calls Plan to Install Self-Ordering Kiosks a Win-Win
Pay at the pump, U-Scan, and now self-ordering kiosks at fast food restaurants -- look for self-checkout services to become more commonplace in the near future. Wendy's says it plans to install the automated ordering stations in 1,000 of its restaurants by the end of the year.
But before you scoff, and say the Dublin, Ohio-based chain is simply trying to reduce labor costs, Wendy's execs say that's not the only reason. David Trimm, Wendy's chief information officer tells the Columbus Dispatch demand is high from franchise owners and customers.
"They are also trying to enhance the customer experience. Younger customers prefer to use a kiosk."
Wendy's has already begun using the technology at some of its Central Ohio locations.
A Wendy's spokesman tells the paper the kiosks may not immediately replace employees, but shift labor to other areas of its restaurants, especially during peak hours.
So if you're wondering which location is pictured above, it's the Wendy's on Elms Rd. in Swartz Creek.