Top Ten Best Michigan Munching Movie Theater Snacks
We've all been going to movie theaters as far back as we can remember and there's nothing better than loading up on snacks before the big picture show begins.
We all have our favorite snacks and go to drinks at the movie theater. My favorite snacks are pretty simple and very tasty. They are peanut M&M's, a medium popcorn and a large fountain drink, preferably diet coke.
Every once in a while I go to NCG Eastwood Cinemas so I can purchase a cherry flavored diet coke, along with my favorite snacks.
Let's break it down the "Top 10 Michigan Munching Movie Theater" snacks:
1. Popcorn. This is the go to snack that all moviegoers seem to enjoy the most.
2. Soda. The whole movie experience requires your favorite beverage without a doubt.
3. M&M's (peanut or plain). Some moviegoers enjoy dumping their M&M's into their big bucket of popcorn.
4. Gummy Bears. what is it about gummy bears that tastes so good at the movie theater? It's a feel good treat.
5. Nachos. Messy, yet delicious. I watch moviegoers purchase nachos anytime I'm at the movie theater. Nachos, another great movie theater snack.
6. Chocolate. We're talking about nothing but chocolate favorites like Milk Duds, Reese's Peanut Butter cups, Mars, and chocolate covered raisins.
7. Twizzlers. Another one of my favorite movie theater snacks. Twizzlers go great with popcorn too.
8. Hotdogs. Even though not all movie theaters serve hotdogs, a hotdog, soda, and popcorn covers the craving.
9. Pretzels. I love pretzels at the movie theater. Soak it in mustard with a little extra salt and you're good to go.
10. French Fries. Most all moviegoers enjoy delicious French fries. Perfect match with a hotdog and a soda drink.
I've eaten everything on this list at just about every movie theater in the Greater Lansing area. And this does include all of the Lansing area drive-ins that I frequented back in the day.
Have fun at the movies and pick out some great snacks!
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