This MI City Was Named The Number One Summer Destination in America
The vacation planning website TripAdvisor just posted the 10 hottest summer destinations for 2018, and guess who is on the top of the list? Mackinac Island beat out destinations like Yellowstone, Martha's Vineyard, and Anchorage for the top spot on the list.
The list is based on the greatest increase in seasonal hotel bookings. TripAdvisor also gives you the average hotel rate for each top 10 destinations. According to them, the average summer hotel rate in Mackinac Island is $347. They also list a fun activity, for Mackinac Island, it is the sunset cruise.
If you haven't been to Mackinac Island in a while you should try to make it up there this summer. My boyfriend and I went last summer and I had almost forgotten how beautiful and unique it is. We rented biked and attempted to ride them around the island (there are a lot of hills on Mackinac Island), we went to Fort Mackinac, did a little shopping, ate dinner, and enjoyed the view of the Mackinaw Bridge on the way back to the mainland. If you are in Mid-Michigan it makes for a great quick get-a-way. You can see photos from my trip last year here.
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