Picking a college or university is an incredibly important decision. But there are a lot more factors that go into that decision than just picking the highest rated school. The cost is certainly a factor, but much like real estate, it's all about location, location, location.

Michigan has a great number of schools to choose from. We've compiled a list of the 10 best schools here in the Mitten State and included stats on the net cost of attendance and acceptance rates.

How Are the Rankings Determined?

The numbers were crunched by Niche, based on an extensive analysis of academic, admission, financial, diversity, and student life data provided by the US Department of Education along with student and alumni reviews. Academic factors weigh the heaviest but you can see more on the methodology used to determine the rankings here.

What Schools Didn't Make the List?

As you would imagine, the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor campus) and Michigan State University are near the top of the list. However, schools like Saginaw Valley State University and Central Michigan University fell outside the Top 10, coming in at #15 and #16 respectively.

Flint's Kettering University also missed the Top 10, ranking at #17 in the state.

Although two U of M campuses appear in the Top 10, the University of Michigan Flint is ranked at #24 on this survey.

What's the Best Party School?

Michigan State University has always been reputed as a great party school, and we have the data to back that up. MSU takes the #1 spot for 'Best Party School' in Michigan and ranks as the 19th best school to get your party on in the US.

For a complete listing of all schools throughout the country, consult this interactive website.

These Are the 10 Best Colleges and Universities in Michigan

Picking a college is a huge decision whether you're going right out of high school or looking to increase your earning potential as a working adult.
Niche compiled the data, taking many factors into account from more than 1,000 top colleges and universities throughout the United States.
These are the highest-ranking schools here Michigan.

25 Famous Celebs Who Went to Michigan's Interlochen Center for the Arts

Interlochen Center for the Arts in Interlochen, MI has produced some great talent over the years. Many actors/actresses, directors, singers, and more have attended.

This Michigan Castle Has a Mote, a Drawbridge, and All the Castle Things

Living in a real castle could be a reality. This home in Rochester, Michigan features a mote, drawbridge, secret rooms, hidden doors and passageways, and all the other castle things you need to make your life more ... castle-ey.

It's currently listed on Zillow for the low-low castle price of $2,299,000.

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