The Good News: Stranger Returns Little Boy’s Beloved Teddy Bear, Lost at Seattle Zoo [PHOTOS]
Seriously, what are the odds of somebody not only finding it, but returning it?!
A news station in Seattle, Washington, posted on Facebook about a little boy name Landon who lost his teddy bear at the Point Defiance Zoo. The bear was given to him by his great grandmother, and according to his mom, "My son's heart is broken for the only thing that gave him comfort."
People immediately started commenting that they had seen the bear:
I saw this bear today!!! We were leaving. The park and I saw a bear just like this on a tree near the zoo. If you leave the zoo parking lot and head towards the exit he is attached to a tree. I just happened to look over and notice it and thought it was strange but it's Tacoma. The tree is on the right side of the road, close to the zoo fence and there's another tree between it and the road.
Within less than 24 hours, the bear had been found, and Landon's mom was picking him up. A "nice lady" had returned him.
And all is right in Landon's world. See? There ARE good people out there!
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