The Good News: Georgia Cop Delays Telling Children that their Parents Died; Takes Care of them on Halloween [VIDEO]
Trooper Nathan Bradley had been given the awful task of telling four young children that their parents had died in a car accident. So instead, he waited...and did something amazing.
"The door hesitantly opened and there behind the locked screen door stood four children in full costume -- a 13-year-old Freddy Krueger, 10-year-old daughter of a Dracula, 8-year-old wizard and a 6-year-old that appeared to be a firefighting ninja turtle," Bradley wrote on the GoFundMe page that he set up for the kids.
Their parents, who had stepped out to get more make-up and candy, were killed in a car accident on the way. Bradley said he was hoping to show up to an empty house, or at least, an adult. They were heartbroken and stunned.
The closest family relative lived in Florida - a 7-hour drive. She was on her way, but their was time...and he didn't want them waiting at the jail. So Bradley, not wanting them to remember Halloween this way, did something different.
He took them to get milkshakes and burgers, and then to the troopers post for a tour. Other people who had heard about the incident brought the kids candy and Disney movies to watch. The children were put to bed in rooms at the post. They still were unaware of what had happened, although the 13-year-old said he knew something was wrong.
When the grandparents arrived, they delivered the news to the children. Trooper Bradley says that, even though he's in his early 20s, he plans on keeping in touch with the children. Also, a local radio morning show is planning on surprising the children this morning. They're on the air at the same time, so once we find out what the surprise is, we'll update this story.
Sometimes, good news starts with a tragedy, but you have to make lemonade out of lemons.
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