People Are Reporting a Suspicious White Van Driving Around FlintPeople Are Reporting a Suspicious White Van Driving Around FlintThis doesn't appear to be a one-time occurrence, either.AJAJ
'Silly Walks' Sign in Grosse Point is Entertaining Michiganders'Silly Walks' Sign in Grosse Point is Entertaining Michiganders"May I see your silly walk?"AJAJ
Kids Bored? Do a Teddy Bear Scavenger Hunt in Your NeighborhoodKids Bored? Do a Teddy Bear Scavenger Hunt in Your NeighborhoodThe weather is going to cooperate for a walk this weekend, so bust out the bears!AJAJ
Here's My Instructional Video on How To Pick Up Your Dogs' Poop Here's My Instructional Video on How To Pick Up Your Dogs' Poop Because apparently, people are not clear on how to do this in our neighborhood. AJAJ
Michigan Subdivision Threatened by Neighbor Over FireworksMichigan Subdivision Threatened by Neighbor Over FireworksWho lit a sparkler in this guy's Cheerio's this morning?? Sheesh. PatPat
Hot Air Balloon Lands in Grand Blanc Neighborhood – But WHY? [VIDEO]Hot Air Balloon Lands in Grand Blanc Neighborhood – But WHY? [VIDEO]It's the SAME ONE that landed in our subdivision last summer, right around the same time!PatPat
Where Are The Plows? Where Are The Plows? Snow isn't an anomaly here in Michigan, so why aren't residential streets plowed within a reasonable time? AJAJ
Entire Neighborhood Syncs Christmas Light Show [VIDEO]Entire Neighborhood Syncs Christmas Light Show [VIDEO]And to Trans Siberian Orchestra 'Wizards In Winter' no less!AJAJ