
Sexual Innuendos In Cartoons And Movies Made For Kids [VIDEO]
Sexual Innuendos In Cartoons And Movies Made For Kids [VIDEO]
Sexual Innuendos In Cartoons And Movies Made For Kids [VIDEO]
We've all had to sit through cartoons or perhaps a movie made for kids before. Have you ever found yourself asking, "Did I just see what I think I just saw?" There is a good chance you did see something that may have had a sexual overtone. Take the jump and watch a few examples of adult content in cartoons.
Classic Cartoons Making a Comeback [VIDEOS]
Classic Cartoons Making a Comeback [VIDEOS]
Classic Cartoons Making a Comeback [VIDEOS]
A cartoon classic was revived on the big screen this past weekend.  Bringing in more than expected when it opened last weekend, "The Smurfs" tied for the number one spot at the box-office. Having three kids, I am noticing that a lot of the old cartoons I grew up with are now back on the air via channels like 'Boomerang,' 'The Hub' and 'Cartoon Network.' Shows like "The Transfo .