Some Flushing Residents Protest Against Proposed Marijuana Ordinance
Protesters gathered in Flushing Township Monday to protest a proposed marijuana ordinance.
The proposed ordinance is adding growing restrictions to caregivers in the township. The actions have not been put in place yet, but there is a strong opposition to the changes. The protest that took place on Monday was to raise awareness about the groups opposition to the new ordinance. You can watch the video of the protest here from Mid Michigan Now.

One of the protest organizers, Buddy Dalton, posted about the protest on social media.
The biggest changes that the ordinance would put in place revolve around the caregivers that grow marijuana. They are listed below.
- Caregivers must have a lot the size of at least five acres.
- Caregivers must have the equipment to reduce smoke, odor, and noise.
- Caregivers may not operate within fifty feet of a property line and also live on the property.
The ordinance is far from a done deal, and the Flushing Township officials plan on holding an open board meeting on Thursday, March 11th at 7pm to discuss the ordinance. The group that protested is encouraging their supporters to take part in the virtual board meeting to raise their concerns about the ordiance.
The group has even started a Change.org petition to oppose the new ordinance. In the petition you can find details on how to join the Flushing Township board meeting on Thursday.
This is one of the many fights everyone expected when Marijuana use became legal in Michigan. These battles will continue until some sort of uniform regulations come in to play from either the state or federal level. For now though, individual communities are tasked with working this out amongst themselves.
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