Welcome to Starbucks! Would you like some satanic symbols with your drinks today?

A Louisiana school teacher, Megan K. Pinion, posted two photos to Starbucks' Facebook page a couple of days ago that appear to show satanic symbols drawn on each of her two drinks. Her post does not appear on their page anymore. A Pentagram and the numbers 666 were drawn by a barista with caramel drizzle.

Pinion says she respects "his beautiful artwork" and does not judge his beliefs, but she is appalled by the barista's lack of professionalism, respect for others and what the symbols represent.

Starbucks has apologized to her but won't comment on whether the employee was disciplined or not.

How would you react if you found these symbols on your Starbucks drink?

More details and images of those satanic symbols in the video below.

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