Mid-Michigan TV Stations Hosting Virtual Town Hall With Gov. Whitmer
Our three local television stations are teaming up for a virtual town hall meeting with Governor Gretchen Whitmer this Thursday.
The statewide broadcast is an unprecedented collaboration between our news partner Mid-Michigan Now (NBC-25 and Fox 66), ABC-12, and WNEM-TV 5. The broadcast will air live this Thursday at 7 pm on TV as well as the stations' websites.
Questions for Governor Whitmer about the Stay-Home order, the coronavirus pandemic, and its impact on Michigan's economy can be submitted via email to govtownhall@midmichigannow.com before the broadcast. You can also use the hashtag #MIGovTownHall on social media.

Mid-Michigan Now's Mike Woolfolk, ABC12’s Angie Hendershot, and WNEM TV 5’s Frank Tuner will anchor the broadcast.
The governor is expected to discuss a plan for Michigan to return to normal and a plan to reopen the economy once the current Stay-Home order expires on May 15th.
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