One Michigan Town Ranks Most Mispronounced Place in America
This one's for you pronunciation gurus and grammar addicts. If "getting it right" is your thing, brace yourselves because you may need to school a few folks out there.
According to the travel experts at Frommers, there are quite a few places out there that people just can't quite say correctly. Their team decided to narrow it down to the Top 12. Now, this doesn't necessarily mean they are hard to pronounce, but there's a good portion of people who are just not saying it properly.

Sneaky silent letters, surprising spots to place emphasis, and Americanized versions of foreign words can trip up tongues from Albuquerque to Zephyrhills. For out-of-towners, nothing will separate them from the locals quite as fast as saying the name of their city, region, state, or street the wrong way.
"Sneaky silent letters, surprising spots to place emphasis, and Americanized versions of foreign words can trip up tongues from Albuquerque to Zephyrhills. For out-of-towners, nothing will separate you from the locals quite as fast as saying the name of their city, region, state, or street the wrong way", Frommers ( it’s pronounced FROH-merz, not FRAH-merz), said.
One Michigan town made the list, and for Michiganders, we may be questioning why, but for outsiders, it could be a tricky one.
Apparently the correct pronunciation of Mackinac Island trips quite a few people up in America. If you are from the Great Lakes state it's a no-brainer, but for others, not so much. Here's what they had to say about our favorite summer destination;
"Cars aren’t allowed on this picturesque Lake Huron isle, and the final consonant isn’t allowed in the pronunciation of its name. Say MACK-i-naw. It's not the only spot in Northern Michigan that will give you trouble, either. If you travel on to the state's Upper Peninsula, you’ll reach the historic town of Sault Ste. Marie, a state forest of the same name, and, across the Canadian border, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. For all three, use soo-saynt-mar-EE, or “The Soo” for short."
Right about now, you're probably sitting they saying Mackinac just to be sure you're doing right. When you're finished honing your language skills try your hand at other places making the list of America's Most Mispronounced Place Names here.
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