What The #*&%? Michigan One Of The Most Foul-Mouthed States In America
You better wash your mouth out with soap Michigan!
You may not know this, but swearing is more than just a way to vent frustration, it's a cultural phenomenon. A recent study has revealed some surprising insights about where people in the U.S. and worldwide are most likely to let loose with a few choice words. And guess what? Michigan is right up there with the best (or worst, depending on how you see it).
In a recently released study, Word Tips, an online Scrabble resource, found that the good ole 'US of A' social media users on X (formerly Twitter) use swear words more than any other country in the world. The study used a list of 1,600 English profanities and their variations, provided by Surge AI, to identify which countries, cities, and states swear the most. And it turns out, that Americans are leading the world in letting the expletives fly! ( See full methodology here)
Adding a little hometown spice to the rankings, Michigan made a showing in the top ten states with the most 'colorful' language securing the #10 spot on the list. We are pretty sure Michiganders can thank Detroit for the top ten spot considering the 'D' ranks #4 for cities that swear the most in America.
Hey listen, we all deal with a little frustration now and then. Michiganders are pretty strong-willed and opinionated at times and one thing's for sure, we're not afraid to express ourselves, even if that means adding a few choice words into the mix. Can we get a hell yeah?!
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Gallery Credit: Aubrey Jane McClaine
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Gallery Credit: Hannah Lang