Conservation officers with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources rescued a Livonia family that became stranded in Michigan's Upper Peninsula over the weekend.

No, this is not an old news article - this actually happened this past weekend, the second weekend in April of 2023!

DNR officers responded to a call for assistance from Luce County dispatchers at 11:21 pm, Saturday (4/8). A woman from Livonia, along with her four children and the family's dog had become stranded on a rural county road when they ran out of gas.

The family had ventured north from Wayne County to view the Northern Lights when they ran out of gas. The mother of the four children is said to be 37-year-old Stephanie Knapp from Livonia.

Family Goes Dark

A friend who had been in contact with Knapp decided to call 911 when she hadn't heard from Knapp and wasn't able to reach her for several hours.

Another traveler, Brian Gorski from Allen Park offered Knapp a ride to get gas, but his vehicle became stuck in the snow as well.

DNR officers began their search for the family about 12:30 am Sunday.

Officers located Gorski's vehicle, which had gotten stuck about a mile and a half from the family's Chrysler minivan.

DNR officers were able to help Gorski get his vehicle out of the snow, then continued on to where Knapp's family was stranded. They located the family about 1:15 am and helped the family stay warm by building a campfire while they waited for a towing service.

Stuck Again and Again

Unfortunately, after being rescued once, Mr. Gorski got his vehicle stuck in the snow once again. This time, he was assisted by the towing service.

"Fortunately, this situation had a very good ending," said DNR District Law Supervisor Lt. Eugene "Skip" Hagy in a press release. "However, it just as easily could have ended much differently."

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