Hell hath no fury like a Jennifer Lawrence cropped out of Chris Pratt's Instagram photos scorned.

Lawrence, who co-stars with Pratt in the new Passengersconfronted a disturbing trend on last night's (December 12) episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live! Kimmel pointed out that Pratt continues to crop Lawrence out of his social media images (see sobering evidence above), and Lawrence — who doesn't use social media — said that even she's noticed the pattern.

"It's always a bad sign when Chris seems sincere about something," she said. "Like, 'Would you care if I took some photos for my social media? I think it would be good for boosting the movie.'"

So, Lawrence decided to do something about it.

"I'm gonna do something about it," she confirmed.

The natural answer: Lawrence and Kimmel stormed out onto the Hollywood streets, motioned for a bus with a promotional Passengers image on its side to stop and got down to business by spray-painting the daylights out of Pratt's face. They also did things like block out some letters in Pratt's last name to leave "Rat" and give Pratt's visage devil eyes, which are clever undertakings.

"I feel better," Lawrence said when the photo had been sufficiently destroyed. "Did I get into tagging?"

The Jimmy Kimmel segment comes after a particularly brutal round of Playground Insults on BBC Radio, during which Pratt and Lawrence were challenged to denigrate each other until one jab was ultimately deemed superior to the rest. Some winners:

Pratt to Lawrence: "Why did they call it Joy?"

Lawrence to Pratt: "Where do you keep your Oscar?"


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