Miracle Twin Drive-In movie theater in Burton, Michigan closed in 2008 and was demolished in 2012.

Surprisingly, a few remnants of the drive-in at 6383 East Court Street remain, including a decrepit Miracle Twin Drive-In sign.

Miracle Twin Drive-In featured a 'Blue Screen' and a 'Red Screen'. As you will see in the photos below, both screens are still standing.

A Look At Miracle Twin Drive-In 2024

Gallery Credit: Howard Gillespie

Shout out to my friend Howard Gillespie for the pictures.

According to Cinema Treasures, full capacity at Miracle Twin Drive-In was 1000 vehicles, and double features were always shown on each screen.

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Do you remember the movies you watched at Miracle Twin Drive-In? Unfortunately, I cannot. I do recall having to tag along with a friend and her boyfriend. Three is a crowd, but her mom would not let her go unless I went too.

For more on Miracle Twin Drive-In, check out the video below.

Pure Michigan reports that eight drive-in movie theatres are still open in the Great Lakes State. They are as follows,

Hi-Way Drive-In is Michigan's oldest drive-in. The theater opened in 1947.

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