With Gretchen Whitmer getting closer and closer to her term limit as governor of Michigan, many people are starting to wonder who will replace her and run in the 2026 race.

Many people are now hoping that Pete Buttigieg will take her place as the governor once she hits the end of her run.
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Pete Buttigieg moved to Traverse City in 2020, and it seems that he definitely hasn’t turned a blind eye to the people who want him to run, as he made comments about the possibility during an event in Detroit on Monday.
I haven’t made any decisions about, big decisions about my future. And I know that we’ve got six more weeks and we’re going to sprint through the tape
It turns out that Michigan Democrats are already reaching out to him, employing him to run for the position once it becomes available in a few years.
There’s no clue what Governor Gretchen Whitmer plans on doing once her term has hit her limit, as many this year were hoping she would run with Kamala Harris as a running mate for the presidency of the United States.
With her popularity growing, it isn’t unlikely that she could potentially be a candidate within the next 10 years, but that is pure speculation at this point.
The real question I have is what's his nickname gonna be? Gretchen Whitmer is known as "Big Gretch" thanks to Detroit Rapper GMac Cash, so will he be, "Big Butt?" I guess it would give him a chance to partner up with Sir Mix-a-Lot, but that would be a heck of an endorsement.

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