‘For the Dorias of the World’ Mom Shares Poem Inspired by Meghan Markle’s Mother
Lesle Honore was inspired by the sight of Meghan Markle and her mom Doria Ragland riding in a vehicle together, as Markle prepared to say her vows. Inspired so much, that the single mom from Chicago wrote a poem entitled 'For the Dorias of the World.'
While everyone saw a little something different in last weekend's Royal Wedding, Honore saw a single mom beaming with pride, as she watched her biracial daughter become royalty.
“This opposite of the expectation of what a family is supposed to look like, paired with the expectation of what royalty is supposed to look like," she told NBC-5 in Chicago.
Honore was struck by the number of big events in their children's lives single parents face alone.
For the Dorias of the world
Who will sit alone
At graduations and weddings
At baseball games and school plays
At proms and award ceremonies
Who will carry the load
Of everything
Wiping tears
And celebrating...
(Read the rest of Honore's beautiful poem here.)
In less than a week, Honore's words have been shared over 30,000 times and gained over 30,000 reactions.
Well done, Mom. Well done.
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