Gun at Local High School Basketball Game Ends Play
Friday night's basketball game between Carman- Ainsworth and Grand Blanc high school was abruptly canceled after reports of a possible gun threat.
The game being held at Carman Ainsworth turned into chaos in the bleachers after police thought they spotted a gun. Officers Chased down the suspect and eventually found the gun in the bathroom. Students and spectators rushed to exit the gym.
No shots were fired and there were no injuries. The suspect was taken into custody. There’s no word on when the game will be rescheduled. This is the second incident at the school in the past six months. A shooting took place during an All-Star game earlier this year.
Carman- Ainsworth superintendent Eddie Kindle told reporters , “We will look at options to ensue safety”. No word on if Carman Ainsworth will still host the Tuesday night game against Lapeer.
There are currently no metal detectors at the high school before spectators and students enter the gym.
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