Eddie Money’s DTE Show To Be Rebroadcast For Fundraiser
It just isn't summertime in Michigan without Eddie Money at DTE Energy Music Theatre. Even though the Money Man is no longer with us he's still gonna rock our summer, and for a very good cause.
313 Presents announced Monday it will host a Virtual Summer Party presented by DTE on Friday, June 12. They will stream Money's 2018 concert from DTE that was originally broadcast as “Eddie Money: The Real Money Concert,” on AXS TV back in April 2019. 313 Presents will start streaming the concert at 5 p.m. Friday, June 12, as a fundraiser for Forgotten Harvest.
“We are pleased to partner with Forgotten Harvest to offer assistance in one of the most critical areas of need right now. These are unprecedented times, and while we are unable to currently host live events, we can still all come together to support one another and our community,” said 313 Presents President Howard Handler. “We look forward to the day we will host live entertainment at our world-class venues. While we have time to reflect, we would like to thank all health care workers and those on the front lines helping during this time of crisis.”
AXS TV filmed Eddie Money’s concert at DTE Energy Music Theatre on May 28, 2018. Money, who passed away September 13th at the age of 70, opened the DTE season for almost 28 years. It was a staple for most music lovers for their Memorial Day weekend with the show usually falling on that Friday night. Just before the broadcast begins, Eddie Money’s children Dez, Jesse and Julian will provide opening remarks and give an acoustic performance from their home. All three opened for and performed alongside their father on tour.

313 Presents is also asking fans to get involved that day in true concert style. Beginning at noon, DTE Energy Music Theatre’s Facebook (@DTEEnergyMusicTheatre), Twitter (@DTEEnergyMusic) and Instagram (@dteenergymusic) will engage with fans as events would normally just like a typical concert day. The want fan to use the hashtag #DTEVirtualParty, and are asking them to share memories, photos, videos and anecdotes from past events. Fans should wear their favorite concert attire or band shirt, and showcase pre-show tailgates and parties from their driveways or inside the comfort of their own homes.
You can show your support with donations by visiting www.forgottenharvest.org/dtedonate or by texting “DTE20” to 91999.
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