Clio School Officials Ask Parents & Students to Skip Dances and Football Parties
In the midst of our current situation, some parents and students are still trying to hold on to homecoming and football season in many areas. One district now has officials urging everyone to follow guidelines and skip the parties.
Clio area schools Superintendent Fletcher Spears III is asking parents and students to use common sense when it comes to activities right now. In a letter on the district Facebook page, the superintendent addressed the issue of a dance set to take place this weekend. The dance, rumored to be a homecoming dance of sorts, is expected to bring at least 100 high school students.
The non-school sanctioned Fall Ball is set to be held at a private residence and Superintendent Spears is appealing the the parents in the letter to follow guidelines regarding large gatherings and social distancing.
The appeal, in a two page letter, comes after the district had their third positive COVID-19 case, which was the first for Clio High School. Spears told Mid-Michigan Now, "That led to 19 other students who have to go home now, and will be home until next Thursday and a teacher who will be gone until at least next Thursday."
Superintendent Spears, along with other officials in the area are also looking at the football parties happening in the area. If attendees are kept to minimum and social distancing is in place with everyone keeping 6ft apart it may not be a issue. His concern is that these gathering will grow and the COVID-19 will be on the rise. He is quick to note he doesn't see social distancing happening at these dances.
"If a dance is that important to you and your student maybe you should have them stay home for 14 days afterward," said Spears.
In his letter, it's clear his concern is for the students and his staff. Although the district has invested quite a bit of money to assure the safety of everyone, there is still a concern. Clio is one of only a few districts that does in-person learning 5 days a week, and he would hate to see that end. "It would just be very frustrating if after all that work and seeing the students back in school a dance were to shut it down," said Clio Area Schools Superintendent, Fletcher Spears to Mid-Michigan Now.
You can read the full letter by clicking here.
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