BYOB Adult Easter Egg Hunt At Bicentennial Park In Grand Blanc
You had me at BYOB.

If you are 21 years of age and up, consider this your official invite to the Grand Blanc Parks and Recreational Adult Easter Egg Hunt. This fun-filled event features Easter Eggs that contain golden tickets for incredible prizes. Here is everything you need to know about the event.
When is it?
Friday, April 8th from 6:15 PM to 8:30 PM at Bicentennial Park in Grand Blanc.
How is the Easter Egg Hunt done?
Guests will walk the park in search of Easter Eggs. As I mentioned, the eggs are filled with golden tickets that you redeem for prizes. If you do not want to search for eggs, no problem. You can enjoy food, music, raffles, and bunny races.
What about the booze?
According to the official Facebook page, adult drinks are up to you to bring.
Do I need to buy a ticket to attend this event?
Yes, you do need to purchase a ticket. The cost is $15 per person and tickets must be purchased in advance. Tickets will be posted for purchase on the event page within the next few weeks. I will definitely let you know when they are available.
Is there an event itinerary?
Yes, the schedule is as follows,
- 6:15 PM - Check-in
- 6:30 PM - Hunt Begins
- 7:30 PM - Hunt Concludes
- 7:45 PM - Food, Music, Raffles, Bunny Races, & Lawn Games at the Creasey Bicentennial Park South Pavilion.
I think this sounds awesome. I don't need the Easter Bunny to celebrate, the fact that we can have beers (or whatever you drink) on this hunt is perfect for me.
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