Britney Spears Might Get Fired for Being Even More Boring Than the ‘X Factor’
It's been a rough few weeks for Britney Spears. She's the target of a ridiculous lawsuit, her mentee Carly Rose Sonenclar lost the 'X Factor' because LeAnn Rimes is a pathetic mess, and now she's being fired from her gig as a judge on the talent show.
Looks like Britney's premiere season on 'X Factor' is not only her first, but her last. A source told Us Weekly, "Britney will get the boot. Producers wanted her for the long haul, but it isn't working."
"They paid all that [money] for her to say 'amazing' and offer half-claps," another source added of the singer, who was collected $15 million for her single-season stint on the program. (We guess they don't count the plethora of awesome GIFs Britney provided the internet as recompense.)
Simon Cowell is also allegedly not happy. "He wanted crazy Britney, but he got boring Britney," claims yet a third source.
Aw. Poor Simon -- he hired truck-stop Britney, but Xanax'd Britney showed up to work. Classic bait-and-switch, really.
All of this contradicts Cowell's statements back in October when he told reporters that Britney was "a lot better than everybody thought ... She's very engaged ... She has been, I think, a very, very good judge."
Only in its second season, the 'X Factor' is already known for hemorrhaging judges, having lost Paula Abdul, Nicole Scherzinger, Cheryl Cole and current panelist L.A. Reid.
Seems the only person who can stand Simon Cowell lately is Carmen Electra -- and he won't even fully claim her.