10 of the Best, Must Read Celebrity Memoirs You Can’t Put Down
We are existing in a tell all, post all, keep nothing private world right now. From posting every detail of our day to Facebook, and tweeting our every thought, life is one autobiography every single day.
Although many seem to make their way to the big, or small, screen, such as the infamous hold nothing back Motely Crue story, The Dirt, there is still something kinda cool about curling up with a good book on a fall day.
I, like many, love to hear all the nitty gritty details of celebrities, especially those in the music industry. I love a great backstory on a song, and what inspired them to write it. I loved the fact for years the world speculated on who Carly Simon was singing about in her hit You're So Vain. Thanks to her 2015 memoir, Boys in the Trees, we learn that it was actor Warren Beatty she sang about, but only the second verse. The first and third verses are about other people — who still don’t think that the song is about them.
From rock stars to actors, groupies to media personalities, there is a great selection of books to spark your interest and learn some best kept secrets. Take a look at some of the best, in my opinion, around.
10 of the Best Must Read Celebrity Memoirs