10 Children’s Books To Help Kids Understand Race & Racism
As if we can even understand it all ourselves, can you imagine being a child watching the events unfold over the past week? As a parent you search for words and explanations to try to educated and inform your child, but let's face it...we sometimes have no idea where to start.
A research study done by Harvard University suggests that children as young as three years old, when exposed to racism and prejudice, will tend to embrace and accept it, even though they might not understand the feelings.
Beverly Daniel Tatum, a psychologist and author, told USA Today that avoiding the topic is not a solution. Tatum said, "Even young children may see or hear about highly publicized incidents like the George Floyd case – perhaps overhearing the TV or the radio – and may ask questions. Initiating an age-appropriate conversation can give children a helpful frame for understanding difficult realities."
Parents may need a little extra help to start those powerful conversations, especially with their younger children. Children’s books are one of the most effective and practical tools for initiating those important yet tough conversations.

The website Embracerace said that such books can help focus not only on the issues of race and racism, but taking action and making a difference. Many also talk of resistance, resilience, and activism.
There isn't a better time than now to talk to our children about the world they are experiencing from a pandemic to chaos in the streets. Their education begins at home....both scholastically and socially.
Check out a few selection from their recommended list-
10 Books To Teach Your Child About Race & Racism
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