Workday 108 Trivia for the Week of September 18, 2023
According to a survey of elementary kids, one out of nine say they want to be in charge of this when they grow up. What is it?
A zoo. Congratulations to today's winner, Jennifer Eisinger from Fenton.
The average American throws this everyday item away on a regular basis. What is it?
Bread. Congratulations to today's winner, Jeanne Fox from Swartz Creek.
Research says 49% of couples get one of these before getting married. What?
A pet. Congrats to today’s winner, Taylor Oneil from Fenton.
About 4% of employees claim they never do this at work. What don't they do?
Laugh. Congratulations to today's winner, Michelle from Flint.
According to a survey of women, 17% say that this is a sure sign of insecurity in men. What is it?
Driving a sports car. Congratulations to today's winner, Dianne Simon from Fenton.
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