Workday 108 Trivia for the Week of October 10, 2022
According to a survey of adults, 46% of us say we've done this in the grocery store. What is it?
Flirt with someone or try to pick someone up. Congratulations to today's winner, Jennifer Daniels from Flint.
Women under thirty are more likely than anyone else to do this while visiting someone's house. What is it?
Look behind the shower curtain. Congratulations to today's winner, Mistie Stevens from Swartz Creek.
According to a survey of adults, 7% of us say this embarrassing thing has happened to us on a first date. What is it?
The credit card was declined. Congratulations to today's winner, Christine Newhart from Swartz Creek.
On average, you will consume about 1,800 calories when visiting this place. What's the place?
A Movie theater. Congratulations to today's winner, Jessica Carlson from Otisville.