Workday 108 Trivia for the Week of July 17, 2023
According to a survey of couples, this is the number one thing that annoys us about watching TV with our partners. What is it?
The volume - it's either too loud or too soft. Congratulations to today's winner, Brett Phillips from Davison.
According to a survey, 30% of us say we prefer not to engage in small talk with this person. Name the person.
Hairstylist or barber. Congratulations to today's winner, Heather McRae from Flint.
According to a survey of married people, 25% say that if they won a big lottery prize, they would do this with their spouse. What it is?
Get a divorce. ☹ Congratulations to today’s winner, Tom Haglund from Davison.
The average person steals this from their employer once during their career. What is it?
Toilet paper. Congratulations to today's winner, Debbie Williamson from Swartz Creek.
Fill in the blank: On average, 3% of us consumed _________ at lunch today.
Alcohol. Congratulations to today's winner, Sandy Reckling from Mt. Morris.