Workday 108 Trivia for the Week of February 12, 2024
According to a survey of adults, 45% of us say you should wait until you're at least 25 before getting one of these. What is it?
A credit card. Congratulations to today's winner, Melanie Garfield from Flint.
According to a survey of drivers, this was named the most annoying thing people have to put up with behind the wheel. What is it?
Potholes. Congratulations to today's winner, Mary Dixner from Grand Blanc.
Exactly 50% of dog owners claim their dog enjoys doing this. What is it?
Watching TV. Congratulations to today's winner, Keri Brack from Montrose.
According to a survey of people who rent, 10% admit to doing this. What is it?
Hiding a pet from the landlord. Congratulations to today's winner, Anastasia Smith from Lapeer.
According to a survey of office workers, more than half said they wish their workplaces would upgrade this. Upgrade what?
The coffee. Congratulations to today's winner, Anne Brief from Lennon.
Eight Michigan Men Whose Convictions Have Been Overturned Thanks to the Innocence Project
Gallery Credit: George McIntyre
See Every Prison in the State From Alger to Woodland.
Gallery Credit: GoogleMaps
Oakland County's Most Dangerous Intersections
Gallery Credit: George McIntyre