Workday 108 Trivia For the Week of August 8, 2022
According to a survey of Americans, about half of us say we cried while doing this. It's no small thing. What is it?
Buying a house. Congratulations to today's winner, Tabitha Kelly from Clarkston.
About 18% of us do this at least once a week and it is most likely to happen on a Tuesday. What is it?
Show up late for work. Congratulations to today's winner, Tim Hense from Grand Blanc.
People were asked, What is the best compliment someone could possibly give you? and this was the number one response. What is it?
You raised great kids. Congratulations to today's winner, Angie Matznick from Corunna.
This device was originally invented to torture prisoners. Today, you probably have one in your house and you paid good money for it. What is it?
A treadmill. Congratulations to today's winner, Teresa Allard from Burton.
What is the #1 thing in your kitchen that is past its expiration date?
Spices. Congratulations to today's winner, Julie Borlaug from Grand Blanc.