Workday 108 Trivia for the Week of August 1, 2022
One in five of us admits that we have done this is in someone else's bathroom. What is it?
Change the direction of the toilet paper. Congratulations to today's winner, Lisa Mudge from Millington.
According to a survey of American office workers, 40% of us say we feel more productive if our work environment has this. What?
Plants. Congratulations to today's winner, Beverly Vondra from Swartz Creek.
According to a recent survey, more than 50% of us say we always take a shower after doing this. Doing what?
Taking a bath. Congratulations to today's winner, Lisa from Flint.
In a survey, people were asked to name the most offensive smell they could think of. What was the number one answer?
Wet dog. Congratulations to today's winner, Katy Vriesman from Swartz Creek.
According to a survey, 40% of us follow this common, unwritten rule. What is it?
The Five-second rule. Congratulations to today's winner, Paula Furlette from Davison.