A Montreal man was convicted of stabbing an airport employee and other terrorism charges the week. But what happened to the victim?



Amor Ftouhi told investigators that his "mission was to kill and be killed". Thankfully neither of his wishes came true. He was not killed, and Lt. Jeff Neville survived being attacked with a "rambo style" 12 inch knife.


The effects of the attack have not left Jeff Neville, who is no longer an employee of the TSA, unscathed. He suffered PTSD and was not able to put his uniform back on, let alone return to work. He now has entered the real estate industry locally in Flint.

Jeff testified at the trial calling the moment, "Surreal, it was surreal," and was happy to put the matter to rest. He also alluded to Michigan Public Radio that he was also waiting for the trial and sentencing to conclude so he could make an announcement, alongside his legal team.

Rumors are swirling that this has to do with Neville's departure from his position at the TSA, and a workman's compensation claim.

Ftouhi will be sentenced in March of 2019, he is facing life in prison. Don't expect any announcement from Neville until then.

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