What Are The Chances of a White Christmas? Here Are the Predictions [GRAPHIC]
Even if you adamantly hate snow 364 days a year, there's just something magical about waking up on Christmas morning to a white Christmas, Right? Right.
But what are the chances we'll see enough snow on December 25th to have a white Christmas here in Flint?
It's still up in the air, but according to the National Weather Service and the Weather Channel, it doesn't look all that likely.
A white Christmas is defined as having one inch or more of snow on the ground Christmas morning.
The predictions, based on historical data from NOAA'S National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), indicate that there's a 51-60% chance of seeing a white Christmas in Genesee County. The chances increase farther to the north and west as residents of the Traverse City area have a 76-90% chance of snow on the ground Christmas morning. In the western half of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, there's a 91-100% chance of a white Christmas.
It's not an exact science but historical models and current indicators more or less say a white Christmas is likely in the northern and central Rockies, northern Wisconsin, the Arrowhead of Minnesota, northern New York state, and the northern New England states.
The Weather Channel has a video which gives a more in-depth explanation of the predictions here.