The World’s Largest Christmas Store in Frankenmuth is Looking for Help
The world's largest Christmas store in Frankenmuth is in desperate need of finding helpers this holiday season.
Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland in Frankenmuth is dealing with the same struggles as many other companies throughout the country. The struggle of finding employees. Bronner's isn't looking to fill one or two spots, they have 150 to 200 positions that need to be filled.
What kind of positions need to be filled?
Bronner's is looking for cashiers, penners for ornament personalizing, catalogue staff, workers for their internet fulfilment area, and more.
How much are they paying new employees and are they offering incentives?
Bronner's minimum wage right now is $11.50 but if you work Saturdays between 6-9 pm and all day on Sunday's, they offer $17.25 an hour during those time periods.

Chrissy Dutcher, personnel manager at Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland:
It's just very important that we have staff who are willing to help the customers out when it may be a year where it's going to be a little thin with staff and they may have a harder finding some of the things that they're looking for.
Honestly, this would be the perfect job for someone that's just looking to make some extra holiday money because most of the positions will only be needed through December 31st.
This is the one time in your life that you can be a real-life Buddy The Elf.
Source: WNEM
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