
Flint Church Opens Up Tattoo Parlor
Flint Church Opens Up Tattoo Parlor
Flint Church Opens Up Tattoo Parlor
A church in Flint Township has opened up a tattoo parlor inside its doors called Serenity Tattoo. The Bridge believes that mainstream religion has become irrelevant to most people, according to Mlive.
Dolly Parton A Tattooed Lady?  Rosanne Barr Says She Is!
Dolly Parton A Tattooed Lady? Rosanne Barr Says She Is!
Dolly Parton A Tattooed Lady? Rosanne Barr Says She Is!
Some things never change, like the size of Rosanne Barr's  mouth.  Check out this video. In fact, Barr almost seemed hesitant to reveal the revealing fact: “She’s got, like, all these awesome tattoos all over her body — no black or no blue lines...