Government to Make Ingredient for MI's Faygo Pop IllegalGovernment to Make Ingredient for MI's Faygo Pop IllegalThis additive has been the watch list for decades.Nathan ReedNathan Reed
Outside of Metro Detroit, This Amazing Sandwich is Little KnownOutside of Metro Detroit, This Amazing Sandwich is Little KnownInvented here in the mitten, this sandwich has passionate fans, just like the coney dog.Nathan ReedNathan Reed
Most Flavorful, Authentic Tacos in MI Might Mean a Road TripMost Flavorful, Authentic Tacos in MI Might Mean a Road TripAuthentic Mexican food can be hard to find in Michigan. Even Tex-Mex lovers will drool over these.Nathan ReedNathan Reed
Ope! Michigan's Popular Faygo Introduces 3 New Flavors for FansOpe! Michigan's Popular Faygo Introduces 3 New Flavors for FansFaygo got its start in 1907 in Detroit and has remained a Michigan favorite ever since.Nathan ReedNathan Reed
Heinz Saucemerica Campaign Celebrates Michigan's Iconic Hot DogHeinz Saucemerica Campaign Celebrates Michigan's Iconic Hot DogHeinz is saucing up your summer one state at a time, and it seems only fitting that Michigan is represented by giving a nod to one of its most notable dishes.Lisa MarieLisa Marie