Flint Rep’s ‘Songs About Stuff: The Music of Wally Pleasant’ [VIDEO]Flint Rep’s ‘Songs About Stuff: The Music of Wally Pleasant’ [VIDEO]The show opens this weekend and runs until Sunday, June 9th so you've got plenty of time to check it out!PatPat
LOCAL SPOTLIGHT: Flint Rep's 'Riddle of the Trilobites' [VIDEO]LOCAL SPOTLIGHT: Flint Rep's 'Riddle of the Trilobites' [VIDEO]Let's be honest - you have nothing better to do with this terrible weather, so why not go to the theatre? PatPat
LOCAL SPOTLIGHT: The Wolves at the Flint Repertory Theatre [VIDEO]LOCAL SPOTLIGHT: The Wolves at the Flint Repertory Theatre [VIDEO]The show opens next weekend at the Flint Repertory Theatre.PatPat
Flint Repertory Theatre Season Announcement Event TonightFlint Repertory Theatre Season Announcement Event TonightHave questions about the transformation of the former Flint Youth Theatre? Interested in their upcoming shows? You're invited! AJAJ