Clouds in Shape of Queen Elizabeth Appear in Sky After Her Death [PHOTOS]Clouds in Shape of Queen Elizabeth Appear in Sky After Her Death [PHOTOS]Queen Elizabeth II passed away at the age of 96 and now many around the world are mourning her death. Chris ReedChris Reed
Michigan Man Takes Photos of Creepy Looking Clouds. What Are They?Michigan Man Takes Photos of Creepy Looking Clouds. What Are They?So bizarre.Tony LaBrieTony LaBrie
Michiganders - Did You See The Holes in the Clouds Yesterday? Michiganders - Did You See The Holes in the Clouds Yesterday? No, you weren't imagining them and no, you weren't the only one who saw them.AJAJ
Michiganders - Those Aren't Clouds, That's Wildfire Smoke Michiganders - Those Aren't Clouds, That's Wildfire Smoke It looked cloudy out this morning, didn't it? Surprise surprise: those weren't clouds. PatPat