South Carolina Mom Impersonates April the Giraffe, And Has Her Baby First [VIDEOS]
Erin Dietrich from South Carolina has the best sense of humor ever.
While the wold is waiting for April the Giraffe to have her calf, one very pregnant woman in South Carolina decided to get creative while she waited to go into labor with her own baby. She ordered a giraffe mask on Amazon and started impersonating April.
The first video she posted on Facebook was viewed over 30 million times, and instantly went viral.
Three days later Erin went live on Facebook wearing the mask in a hospital bed.
And well before April even started to show signs of labor, Erin gave birth to a little boy, Porter Lane, still wearing the giraffe mask.
People are praising her sense of humor on her Facebook page. and congratulating her for beating April in the baby waiting game.
I will say, Erin gave me something else to watch while waiting for April to have her calf.