If you're looking to start your morning off the right way in order to have a good day, I came across a couple of suggestions for you to follow, courtesy of Yahoo. They suggest you eat the same breakfast every day because consistency is less likely to throw you off in the morning when trying to get out the door. Savoring your coffee is another way to have a better day and before you take a sip, smell and relish the flavor.

You can also write an ignore list and choose what things you won't do that day. Maybe you don't feel like checking emails or cleaning, so tell yourself you're going to ignore these things today. One last ritual you can follow is to turn off your mind for a few minutes. Maybe close your eyes for 10 minutes and forget about everything you have to do that day. Or watch some TV or listen to music for an hour. Do you have rituals that you follow in order to have a better day?

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