Save the date AGAIN indeed. Credit: Shining Shots by Summer Stevens
Save the date AGAIN indeed. Credit: Shining Shots by Summer Stevens

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.

And when life throws a monkey wrench into you wedding plans (like Covid-19), you take new wedding photos.

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My good friend Amanda told me about her sister-in-law who had to postpone her wedding because of the pandemic.

For many brides and grooms, postponing their spring and summer weddings is a nightmare that’s become a reality.

One Owosso couple, Avery Smith and Douglas Potter, knows the feeling all too well.

The couple was set to get married on April 18th, 2020.

Now, their new wedding date is November 21st, 2020.  (WLNS)

So instead of getting down about it they decided to make a new date, make an announcement, and of course TAKE NEW PICTURES.

The couples wedding photographer, Summer Stevens, had an idea on how to bring some happiness out of the situation.

“I offered to do a photo shoot for her so they could have these invitations to send out that could be kind of funny and maybe bring some light into the darkness that’s going on,” said Summer. (WLNS)

You can't stop love. And you gotta love the spirit of these two.

Peep the Postponement Announcement Photos below courtesy of Shining Shots by Summer Stevens

And thank you to Avery Smith and Douglas Potter for sharing their story, their photos, and their love with us. Best of luck to you and your family. God bless you and keep you. Amen.

Owosso Couple Postponement Wedding Photos

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