Michigan Woman Goes Home After 6-Month COVID Battle – The Good News
"They have been here all the way, I call them Tiger Women. They and my husband, they fought and fought to make sure I survived."
Deanna Hair left the University of Michigan hospital in Ann Arbor to cheers from "Team Dee," as they call themselves. Her family and friends had gathered to celebrate her release from the hospital after a 196-day-long battle with COVID-19.
Deanna and her husband took a trip to California, after their return, they both started experiencing symptoms. They were both diagnosed with coronavirus on March 31st; however, her symptoms worsened much faster than her husband. She started to run a fever and had a cough, and eventually started vomiting.
She was admitted to the hospital on April 3rd and underwent surgery for ischemic colitis, or "dead gut," which was caused by the virus. Surgeons had to remove part of her colon; she spent the next six months hooked up to a ventilator while her body fought off the virus and other infections.
Her family was called multiple times to say "goodbye." Yesterday, after 196 days, Deanna was the one who said goodbye...to the hospital. She'll be continuing her rehabilitation at home from now on.