Michigan Town Honors Their Class of 2020 In Big Way
The class of 2020 is missing out on some of the biggest highlights of their final year in high school, most importantly graduation itself. One Michigan town is making sure their graduating seniors get their moment in the spotlight.
Caseville, known as the home of the annual Cheeseburger Festival, has only 79 students in their high school. With just 18 members making up the senior class of 2020, the city decided to make sure the seniors had some special recognition.
The city along with the school made banners of each senior to proudly line the streets downtown. “Our small community seems to get together with things like this and try to put it together to make it the best we can,” Caseville City Councilman Todd Talaski said.
Like many seniors across the county, the students had their final year come to a quick end due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Although it won't make up for the loss of those special events like prom and walking across that commencement stage, it's sure to bring a smile.
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