Michigan State Police to Offer First-Ever Recruit School for Licensed Police Officers
There is no doubt that the Michigan State Police is made up of the finest in around in law enforcement, and they are always looking to add to their team with those already wearing a badge.

The MSP is set to run their first trooper recruit school for those already licensed as police officers. The traditional 26-week recruit school will be reduced to 10 weeks for qualified candidates.
The MSP realizes that these applicants already have excessive detailed training in the area of law enforcement. Unlike the traditional MSP recruit academy, the last few weeks of recruit school will offer an open-campus concept in which recruits will be allowed to leave the Training Academy and won't be required to stay overnight.
"As we continue to improve and modernize our recruiting and selection processes, holding a lateral entry recruit school for licensed police officers is a logical next step," said Col. Joe Gasper, director of the MSP in a statement. "Many other state police agencies across the country have similar successful programs and I'm pleased to offer this opportunity for officers here in our state."
The MSP is already accepting applications from those current licensed law enforcement officers. The candidates will be part 141st Trooper Recruit School, which is slated to begin in March 2022 and will include thirty-five recruits.
Those wishing to apply must have at least two years of continuous experience as a Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES) licensed officer and be in good standing.
For more information or if you wish to apply, visit www.michigan.gov/MSPjob.
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